Hello World! 😊
This page was set up as a simple front end challenge for
HacktoberFest 2022 event.
The goal is to populate one of the below listed cards with an object
you've created using only CSS, style it any way you'd like to and have
fun making it.
Before you start, please have a look at a couple of participation
rules we've set up. Not following the set rules might get your pull
request rejected.
Won't Be Accepted:
You're not allowed to copy/paste other submissions and pass them
as yours.
You're not allowed to override existing CSS classes / other
contributor's work
You're not allowed to import additionsl libraries and frameworks
You're not allowed to use any flickering/rapidly changing
You're not allowed to use any images to make up your characters
Will Be Accepted:
You are allowed to post personal links to your portfolios,
projects or social media.
You are allowed to use any spoken language to compliment your
creations (e.g English, Spanish..)